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J. Basil Dannebohm is a writer, speaker, consultant, former intelligencer and legislator who is perhaps best known for his sardonic observations of current events. 


All too acquainted with controversy and attacks, both secular and religious, he is sympathetic to those dismayed by the division and extremism that exists on all sides of modern 'civilized' society. â€‹

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​During his early professional career, Dannebohm served in several high-profile public relations and marketing positions primarily within the newspaper, television, and radio industries


In September 2012 Dannebohm was diagnosed with a serious neurological condition. Forced to step away from the corporate world, he spent his time engaged in various freelance projects and a great deal of reading. One book that particularly drew his interest was fellow Kansas native Thomas Frank's, "What's the Matter with Kansas." Curious to explore Frank's thesis more in-depth, Dannebohm left California and returned to the Sunflower State in 2013.


For the next decade, every move Dannebohm made was a calculated one aimed at acquiring information. 


​​Upon returning to his home state, Dannebohm was an avid promoter of rural economic development. He wrote numerous profiles about rural residents, served on several economic development committees, facilitated workshops, and was a keynote speaker at events aimed at rural empowerment.


He served as Kansas Governor Sam Brownback’s appointee to the Kansas Commission for Disability Concerns and the Kansas Library Commission. Additionally he served as administrator of his hometown’s Chamber of Commerce. During his tenure Dannebohm established a popular Christkindlmarket and facilitated the merger of two neighboring chambers.


​​In 2014 Dannebohm was becoming a respected political consultant and civic leader. It wasn’t long before he was tapped to run for public office. After much hesitation, he eventually submitted and became the only non-incumbent candidate in Kansas to run unopposed during the 2014 election. He was elected to the Kansas House of Representatives, representing the 113th District.


On January 20, 2015, Dannebohm was the lone House Republican to advocate for the legalization of medical cannabis. His support for the cause was as a result of the plea of a constituent whose son suffered from Dravet syndrome. Though the effort failed in Kansas, Dannebohm was proud to reach across party lines on behalf of a constituent. 


During his brief legislative career, Representative Dannebohm introduced HB 2136, which reinstated the Homestead Tax Credit for renters. He also sponsored HB2041, the Parkinson's disease public awareness and education act. He co-sponsored HCR5010, making an application to the U.S. congress to call a convention of the states; and HR6009, designating February 10, 2015 as Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Day at the Capitol.


He quickly discovered, however, that neurological illness and politics don't mix. On February 24th, 2015, after serving only 42 days as a legislator, Representative Dannebohm resigned, citing health reasons.


After resigning from office, Dannebohm focused on promoting Parkinson’s disease awareness. For three years he championed Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month in Kansas. He spoke nationally to numerous Parkinson’s support groups and caregivers, and at various awareness events. Dannebohm also organized a gala aimed at promoting Parkinson’s disease and the arts.


Dannebohm’s pro-life views differ from the standard, "pro-birth" definition. He believes the decision regarding abortion should be left to a woman. He opposes the death penalty. He believes that environmental stewardship, affordable healthcare, equal opportunities for education, and access to clean water and food are all major components of being authentically “pro-life.” 


In 2015, Dannebohm was invited to be an honored guest of the United States Congress twice: Once for the State of the Union Address, and another joint session wherein His Holiness, Pope Francis addressed the Congress during his visit to the United States. 


In July 2016, just 19 days after the mass shooting at Pulse Nightclub, Dannebohm opened his Kansas home to 125 members of the Heartland Men’s Chorus. The social and dinner was intended as an opportunity to better understand the LGBTQ+ community and to erase the stigmas associated with partisan politics that is often associated with such causes. He was invited to speak at the organization's Dinner of Note black-tie gala later that year. 


Dannebohm has long promoted the writings of L. Frank Baum and their impact on his home state of Kansas. He was a keynote speaker for a statewide commemoration of the author’s birthday celebration. In 2017 Dannebohm hosted a birthday celebration at his residence welcoming family members of some of the cast of The Wizard of Oz motion picture. Later that year he welcomed two of Oz lyricist Yip Harburg’s great-grandsons and Oz historian Ryan Jay to his home for a concert and presentation. He was interviewed for and served as executive producer of an Oz documentary.


​Though he left behind a career in politics, Representative-Emeritus Dannebohm observed that the political divide was increasing at an alarming rate. In an effort to understand both sides, he acquainted himself with various causes and concerns - both secular and religious.


​Based on first-hand experience and thorough research, Dannebohm found himself growing increasingly concerned that a dangerously self-serving and self-righteous storm was wreaking havoc on institutions that were once held sacred. He felt that society was rife with a blatant disregard for basic human dignity, a bastardization of the authentic gospel, a denial of basic truths, an abandonment of kindness and charity, an increase in violence, persecution, divisiveness, confusion, and despair. To continue on this path, he resolved, would inevitably lead to senseless civil wars and tragically misguided crusades.


In 2023, after a decade of infiltrating and investigating various movements, he concluded that while there exists a major divide in society, "both the left wing and the right wing are part of the same bird." 


In 2024, Dannebohm entered what he dubbed "Phase 2" of his mission. Aware of his limitations, dismayed by false accusations, personal attacks, "gotcha" journalism, and the "circular firing squads" that exist both in politics and religion, he departed the limelight to embrace a more private life. If "Phase 1" was in-field experience, he knew the next logical step was copious studying. Thus, the second phase would be devoted to intensive reading.   


Though his primary focus remains his ongoing research (the end goal of which he keeps a closely guarded secret), Dannebohm knew that voices of reason were few and far between at a time when they were most crucial. This inspired him to re-launch his official website as an outlet from which he could offer commentary rooted in the firm belief that calm minds and sound doctrine will always prevail. He hopes the website serves as a calm alternative to what he calls, "divisive, narcissistic noise."


Mr. Dannebohm is a political independent, an avid supporter of the arts, and a cigar aficionado. He resides in the Commonwealth of Virginia.



Be sure to follow J. Basil Dannebohm on Facebook.


Member of the National Society of Newspaper Columnists and the Virginia Press Association.



 Calm minds and sound doctrine always prevail.                                                                                                   © J. Basil Dannebohm

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